CPD method

In: Critical plane method

Here two methods pursuing a relatively recent trend were separated. These are:

* Carpinteri & Spagnoli method with SWT modification

* Liu & Mahadevan method

They both operate with a two-level search for the critical plane. First, the plane with maximum load effect is looked for. Liu & Mahadevan call this plane as the fatigue fracture plane. The position of the critical plane is determined in the second step, where a cone of normal line vectors of examined planes is formed around the normal line of the fracture plane and is scanned in the search for the maximum of the damage parameter. The angle between the normal lines of the maximum load plane and of the critical plane is set as a function of material parameters. The critical plane is not the plane, where the final damage (crack) will be find but is something like a damage indicator.

The "Optimize" option should be on, if you want to get to exact final values. Its switch to on influences the search for the fracture plane as well as for the critical plane.


plane search algorithms

Optimize option

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